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. 2020 Jul 7;9(7):2142. doi: 10.3390/jcm9072142

Table 2.

NDMM patients treated with novel agents: latest selected studies with MRD analysis.

Reference MRD Technique (Sensitivity) Study Population and Treatment Time Point Assessment MRD Rate Survival Outcomes
Paiva B. et al. 2016 [51] MFC (10−5) NTE NDMM pts (N = 162)
Sequential or alternating VMP/Rd cycles
With response ≥VGPR after 9 or 18 sequential or alternating VMP/Rd cycles Sequential arm:
9-cycles: 20%;
18-cycles: 46%
Alternating arm:
9-cycles: 19%;
18-cycles: 33%
Median TTP:
NR vs. 15 mo
Oliva S. et al. 2017 [52] MFC (10−5) TE NDMM pts (N = 316)
VCd induction, VMP vs. ASCT intensification, VRd vs. no consolidation followed by lenalidomide maintenance
With response ≥VGPR; pre and during maintenance Post consolidation:
3-year PFS:
77% vs. 50%
Ocio E.M. et al. 2018 [53] NGF (10−5) and
NGS (10−5)
NTE NDMM pts (N = 16)
Isa-VRd induction followed by Isa-Rd maintenance
Longitudinal NGF 44% (18% at 10−6)
NGS 50% (33% at 10−6)
Zimmerman T. et al. 2018 [54] MFC (10−4−10−5) and NGS (10−6) TE NDMM pts (N = 76)
4 cycles of KRd induction-ASCT-4 cycles of KRd consolidation and 10 cycles of KRd extended consolidation
Longitudinal MFC:
post consolidation (cycle 8): 82%;
post extended consolidation (cycle 18): 90%
post consolidation (cycle 8): 66%;
post extended consolidation (cycle 18): 71%
According to cycle 8, MRD status by MFC and/or NGS:
2-year PFS 100% vs. 93%
Perrot A. et al. 2018 [17] NGS (10−6) TE NDMM pts (N = 509)
8 VRd cycles or 3 VRd + ASCT + 2 VRd cycles followed by lenalidomide maintenance
Pre or post maintenance VRd alone arm: 20%
ASCT arm: 30%
Median PFS: NR vs. 29 months
Mateos M.V. et al. 2019 [2,3,55] NGS (10−5) NTE NDMM pts (N = 706)
- Dara-VMp vs.- VMp arm
Longitudinal Dara-VMp arm: 28%
VMp arm: 7%
Facon T. et al. 2019 [1]. NGS (10−5) NTE NDMM pts (N = 737)
- Dara-Rd arm
- Rd arm
Longitudinal Dara-Rd arm: 24.2%
Rd arm: 7.3%
Gay F. et al. 2019 [56] MFC (10−5) TE NDMM pts (N = 474)
- KCd-ASCT-KCd (arm A, 159);
- KRd-ASCT-KRd (arm B, 158);
- 12 cycles of KRd (arm C, 157).
Longitudinal Arm A: 42%
Arm B: 58%
Arm C: 54%
Avet-Loiseau H. et al. 2019 [57] MFC (10−5) and NGS (10−6) TE NDMM pts (N = 1085)
- Dara-VTd-ASCT-Dara-VTd - or VTd-ASCT-VTd
Post induction and post consolidation Post induction MFC:
Dara-VTd arm: 35%;
VTd arm: 23%
Post consolidation MFC:
Dara-VTd arm: 64%;
VTd arm: 44%
Post consolidation NGS in evaluable patients:
Dara-VTd arm: 39%;
VTd arm 23%
Voorhees P.M. et al. 2019 [4,5,58] NGS (10−5) TE NDMM pts (N = 104)
Dara-VRd induction, ASCT and Dara-VRd consolidation
Longitudinal Post induction: 15%
Post consolidation: 44%
Paiva B. et al. 2020 [23] MFC (10−4, 10−6) TE NDMM pts (N = 458)
6 VRd induction cycles, ASCT and 2 VRd consolidation cycles
CR patients, after induction, + 100 after ASCT, after consolidation Post induction: 28%
Post ASCT: 42%
Post consolidation: 45%
PFS: 82% MRD neg vs. 50% MRD pos; 36 mo
OS: 96% MRD neg vs. 88% MRD pos
Costa L.J. et al. 2019 [59] NGS (<10−5) TE NDMM pts (N = 81)
Dara-KRd induction, ASCT, Dara-KRd consolidation
Longitudinal Post induction: 40%
Post ASCT: 73%
Post consolidation: 82%
Landgren O. et al. 2019 [60] NGS (10−5) TE and NTE NDMM pts (N = 24)
8 Dara-KRd cycles
After 8 cycles 75% NA

Abbreviations. NDMM, newly diagnosed multiple myeloma; MRD, minimal residual disease; MFC, multiparameter flow cytometry; NGF, next-generation flow; NGS, next-generation sequencing; NTE; non-transplant-eligible; TE, transplant-eligible; N, number; V, bortezomib; M, melphalan; P, p, prednisone; R, lenalidomide; d, dexamethasone; Isa, isatuximab; K, carfilzomib; ASCT, autologous stem-cell transplantation; Dara, daratumumab; M, melphalan; C, cyclophosphamide; T, thalidomide; VGPR, very good partial response; CR; complete remission; TTP, time to progression; PFS, progression-free survival; NR, not reached; NA, not available; OS, overall survival; Neg, negative; pos, positive; mo, months.