Figure 8.
Chemical structure of Lopinavir; ADME profile was achieved using the free web tool SwissADME; the red highlighted area represents the suitable physicochemical space for oral bioavailability covering value intervals for the following: LIPO (lipophility): −0.7 < XLOGP3 < +5.0, SIZE: 150 g/mol < MV < 500 g/mol, POLAR (polarity): 20Å2 < TPSA < 130Å2, INSOLU (insolubility): 0 < Log S (ESOL) < 6, INSATU (insaturation): 0.25 < Fraction Csp3 < 1, FLEX (flexibility): 0 < Num. rotatable bonds < 9, whereas the overlapped green highlighted area shows the calculated ADME profile for the molecule [63].