Fig. 3.
Knockdown LINC00152 decreases the proliferation and invasion of lung cancer cells in zebrafish xenograft by confocal microscopy. a, b Lung cancer cells transfected with si-LINC00152 (a) or NC (b) were injected into the PVS of 2-dpf Tg(fli1a:EGFP) transgenic zebrafish larvae. Images were taken by confocal microscope at 4 dpi. Tumor areas in the yolk were quantified for proliferation, and the polygons enclosed by red dashed lines represent the tumor cell covering areas. The yellow arrow represents cell debris, which is excluded from the tumor cell covering areas. c, d Statistical analysis of proliferation (c) and migration (d) when knocking down LINC00152 in SPCA1 cells. e, f Statistical analysis of proliferation (e) and migration (f) when knocking down LINC00152 in A549 cells.*: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01. Scale: 100 μm