Characterization of dendritic cell-derived EVs: Expression levels of dicer (A) and Lamp2b (B) in mouse DC2.4 dendritic cell line co-transfected with dicer siRNA and RVG-Lamp2b plasmid. (C) Extracellular vesicles (EVs) were isolated from the culture supernatants of engineered DC2.4 mouse dendritic cells by a series of centrifugation. (D) Zeta view count of EVs. (E) Size distribution of EVs. (F) Western blot images for the expression of CD63 and Lamp2 in purified EVs. All experiments were done at least three independent times, and representative figures are shown. Actin served as a loading control for western blots in B. ∗p < 0.05 vs. control.