Figure 9. Klotho supplement normalizes Ang II– and U46619-induced BP elevation in salt-loaded aged mice and heterozygous KL-KO mice.
Changes in MBP from the baseline during injection of Ang II or U46619 in young WT (A) (Ang II, n = 6 each; U46619, n = 5 each), aged WT (B) (n = 4 each), and KL-KO (C) mice (Ang II, n = 6 each; U46619, n = 6 [NS diet], n = 5 [HS diet], and n = 5 [HS diet + KL]) with NS diet, HS diet, or HS diet + KL. *P < 0.05 vs. HS diet–fed mice. Data are means ± SEM. Unpaired t tests were performed on comparisons between 2 groups. For multiple comparisons, statistical analysis was performed by Tukey-Kramer post hoc test. N.S., not significant.