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. 2020 Aug 7;228:87–93.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2020.08.005

Table I.

Comparison between caregivers who plan to vaccinate their children and those who do not plan to vaccinate against influenza

Questions caregivers were asked Number of surveys (n = 2422) Population Do not plan to vaccinate against influenza (n = 1066) Plan to vaccinate against influenza (n = 1314) P value
Child's mean age, y (SD) 2422 8.6 (4.6) 8.7 (4.3) 8.4 (4.8) .237
Child's sex female 2418 1163 (48.1%) 515 (48.3%) 629 (47.9%) .841
Child has chronic illness 2392 360 (15.1%) 105 (9.8%) 250 (19.0%) <.001
Child uses chronic medication use 2392 440 (18.4%) 136 (12.8%) 298 (22.7%) <.001
Who completed the survey 2417 .165
 Father 605 (25.0%) 285 (26.7%) 308 (23.4%)
 Mother 1745 (72.2%) 751 (70.5%) 966 (73.5%)
 Other 67 (2.8%) 27 (2.5%) 38 (2.9%)
Caregiver's age, y (SD) 2383 40.2 (7.6) 40.6 (7.4) 40.0 (7.6) .056
Caregivers with higher education 2365 1819 (76.9%) 761 (71.4%) 1038 (79.0%) <.001
Child vaccinations up to date 2729 2188 (91.5%) 920 (86.3%) 1244 (94.7%) <.001
Child received flu vaccine in last 12 mo 2390 931 (39.0%) 38 (3.6%) 888 (67.6%) <.001
Caregiver received flu vaccine in last 12 mo 2401 974 (40.6%) 122 (11.4%) 842 (64.1%) <.001
Caregiver plans on receiving flu vaccine next year 2393 1394 (58.3%) 171 (16.0%) 1213 (92.3%) <.001
Mean score 10-point Likert scale—caregiver concerned their child has COVID-19 (SD) 2355 1.90 (2.84) 1.79 (2.69) 1.97 (2.93) .129
Mean score 10-point Likert scale—caregiver concerned their child has influenza (SD) 2331 1.17 (2.31) 1.14 (2.18) 1.17 (2.39) .761
Mean score 10-point Likert scale—caregiver concerned they have COVID-19 (SD) 2343 1.84 (2.72) 1.78 (2.63) 1.86 (2.77) .493
Mean score 10-point Likert scale—caregivers concerned they have influenza (SD) 2327 0.90 (1.99) 0.87 (1.84) 0.90 (2.08) .667
Mean score 10-point Likert scale—caregivers concerned about missing work (SD) 2319 2.71 (3.48) 2.48 (3.35) 2.87 (3.55) .007
Mean score 10-point Likert scale—caregivers concerned about child missing school (SD) 2328 2.98 (3.52) 2.79 (3.43) 3.10 (3.57) .037
Caregivers believe that social distancing is worthwhile 2398 2246 (93.7%) 965 (90.5%) 1251 (95.2%) <.001

Other includes grandparents, siblings, stepparents, foster parents, and aunts/uncles.

Values in bold are statistically significant.