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. 2020 Jul 31;11:848. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2020.00848


Associated SNPs and nearby potential genes for erythrocyte traits.

Trait 1 SNP name Oar 2 Position (bp) 3 P-value Nearest gene 4
Name Distance (bp)
RBC 1_29018708 1 29018708 1.48e-06 DHCR24 Within
MCH 10_80901397 10 80901397 2.86e-08 EFNB2 635,535 bp
MCH 17_54731492 17 54731492 1.28e-07 SH2B3 Within
MCH 1_29018708 1 29018708 1.45e-07 DHCR24 Within
MCH 13_798029 13 798029 1.28e-06 PLCB1 Within
RWD_CV 1_29018708 1 29018708 2.30e-07 DHCR24 Within
RWD_CV 17_54731492 17 54731492 2.75e-07 SH2B3 Within
RWD_CV 5_92277630 5 92277630 3.67e-08 SPATA9 Within
RWD_CV 5_92265355 5 92265355 1.82e-06 SPATA9 Within
RWD_CV 5_92276610 5 92276610 1.82e-06 SPATA9 Within
RWD_CV 5_92256711 5 92256711 1.91e-06 SPATA9 Within

1 HCT, hematocrit; MCH, mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCHC, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration; RWD_CV, RBC volume distribution width coefficient of variation. 2 The Ovis aries chromosome number of each significant SNP. 3 The positions of each significant SNP associated with erythrocyte traits in Ovis aries Oar_4.0 assembly. 4 The nearest annotated gene to each significant SNP. The annotated gene database is from SNP is designated as in a gene or as distance (bp) from a gene region in Ovis aries Oar_4.0 assembly.