Overexpression of DRAM1 induces mitochondrial fusion and fission, and thus promotes mitophagy. (A) Representative western blot images and (B) semi-quantification of PINK1, Parkin and COX IV in the placenta of control and DRAM1 mice suggested that DRAM1 overexpression promotes mitophagy. (C) Representative western blot images and (D) semi-quantification of Mfn1, Mfn2 and OPA1 in the placenta of control and DRAM1 mice suggested that DRAM1 overexpression promotes mitochondrial fusion. (E) Representative western blot images and (F) semi-quantification of DRP1 in the placenta of control and DRAM1 mice suggested that DRAM1 overexpression promotes mitochondrial fission. Densitometry results were normalized against the levels of GAPDH or β-actin. Values are expressed as the mean ± SEM (n=3). *P<0.05, **P<0.01. DRAM1, DNA damage-regulated autophagy modulator 1; PINK1, phosphatase and tensin homolog-induced putative kinase 1; COX IV, cytochrome c oxidase IV; Mfn1, mitofusin 1; Mfn2, mitofusin 2; OPA1, optic atrophy 1; DRP1, dynamin-related protein 1.