Table A1.
Laboratory ID | RNA Extraction Method (Specimen Volume) | RT-PCR Amplification Strategy | Negative Control | % of Extracted RNA Used | Coverage (PR, RT aa) |
Minimum Read Depth a | Minimum Variant Count b | Analysis Pipeline |
1 | QIAamp Viral RNA Mini kit (0.14 mL) | RT with primerID, then nested PCR | Water | 50% | PR 1–99, RT 34–122 and 152–236 | Varies | NA c | TCS pipeline in house |
2 | ViroSeq RNA extraction kit (0.5 mL) | RT then nested PCR | Water | 10% | PR 1–99, RT 1–440 | 1000 | 1000 | CLC Genomics Workbench and In-house |
3 | QIAamp Viral RNA Mini kit (1 mL) | One-step RT-PCR then nested PCR | Water | 10% | PR 6–99, RT 1–251 | 1000 | 50 | HyDRA [35] |
4 | MagnaPure LC (0.5 mL) |
One-step RT-PCR, then nested PCR | Water | 30% | PR 1–99, RT 1–250 | 330 | NA c | Geneious |
5 | QIAamp Viral RNA Mini kit (0.14 mL) | One-step RT-PCR then nested PCR | Water | 10% | PR 1–99 RT 1–300 |
100 | 5 | Trim Galore!, HydDRA [35] |
6 | NucliSENS easyMAG (0.4 mL) |
One-step RT-PCR, then nested PCR | Water | ~9% | PR 1–99, RT 1–250 |
100 | 5 | HyDRA [35] |
7 | QIAamp UltraSens Virus kit (0.5 mL) | Primary RT-PCR, then nested PCR | Fetal bovine serum | 16.7% | PR 5–99, RT 1–320 | 1000 | NA c | In-house [36] |
8 | QIAamp Viral RNA Mini kit (0.14 mL) | One-step RT-PCR then nested PCR | Water | 25 % | PR 1–99, RT 1–440 | 1000 | 10 | [35] |
9 | EZ1 Advance XL (variable) d | RT then nested PCR | Water | 16.7% | PR 1–99, RT 1–240 | 1000 | 10 e | Hivmmer [9] |
10 | NucliSENS easyMAG (0.5 mL) | RT then nested PCR | Water | 6.7% | PR 1–99, RT 1–400 or 1–240 | 100 | NA c | MiCall [35] |
a minimum number of reads required for data quality assurance. b minimum number of individual variants required for reporting. c in some analysis pipelines, the minimum variant count is not specified, although in practice is defined by the minimum coverage and variant proportion. d volume adjusted based on viral load to contain at least 5000 copies. e and ≥1% of total coverage at site.