doi only |
Reviewer name |
Article title |
Date of publication |
Journal |
British Journal of Cancer |
Cancer |
European Journal of Cancer |
Lancet |
Lancet Oncology |
Annals of Oncology |
Journal of Clinical Oncology |
CA: A Cancer Journal for |
Clinicians |
Journal of the NCI |
Cancer Research |
International Journal of Cancer |
Neuro-Oncology |
Cancer Treatment Reviews |
Journal of the National |
Comprehensive Cancer |
Network |
Advances in Cancer Research |
Other |
Other journal title |
Cancer site (select all that apply) |
Breast |
Prostate |
Lung |
Colorectal |
Gynecologic |
Bladder |
Kidney |
Leukemia |
Lymphoma |
Melanoma |
Pancreas |
Thyroid |
Head & Neck |
Brain |
Four or more |
Other GI |
Other |
Please specify the other type of GI cancer |
Please specify other type of cancer |
Methods Section (Full Text) |
Are any “inclusion/exclusion criteria” included in the methods section? |
Yes |
No |
Do the inclusion/exclusion criteria include an “upper age cut-off point”? |
Yes |
No |
Results Section (Full Text) |
How is “age” presented in the demographics |
Age categories |
Age range |
Mean/Standard Deviation |
Median/Standard Deviation |
Mean/Range |
Median/Range |
Other |
Please specify |
Is there a component of the Results Section that “stratified by age”? (presents data for different age groups such as 45 to 64 and 65 and older) |
Yes |
No |
What are the “age stratification categories”? |
Yes |
No |
Is effectiveness of “cancer treatment” presented in the Results Section? |
Yes |
No |
Is there an age stratification subset analysis of the effectiveness of the cancer treatment? |
Yes |
No |
Are “adverse events/complications” presented in the Results Section? |
Yes |
No |
Is there an age stratification analysis for adverse events/complications? |
Yes |
No |
Discussion (Full Text) |
Is the effective of cancer treatment based on age discussed? |
Yes |
No |
Is the lack of effectiveness of cancer treatment results based on age listed as a study limitation? |
Yes |
No |
Are age stratification “adverse events/complications” discussed”? |
Yes |
No |
Is the lack of data on adverse events/complications based on age listed as a study limitation? |
Yes |
Is there lack of other age-related issues/items mentioned as a study limitation? |
Yes |
No |