Suberization in the outer part of roots in accession W2165 of O. glumaepatula and rice (cv. Nipponbare) under aerated or stagnant conditions. Suberin lamellae were observed in the basal parts (95–105 mm from the root apex; (a,d,g,j), middle parts (35–45 mm from the root apex; (b,e,h,k) and root tips (2.5–7.5 mm from the root apex; (c,f,i,l) of adventitious roots of 115–120 mm length. Suberin lamellae are indicated as yellow-green fluorescence with Fluorol Yellow 088 (yellow arrowhead, mean of intensity value >20.0 μm−2). Blue fluorescence indicates autofluorescence. Plants were grown in aerated nutrient solution for eight days and then transferred to deoxygenated stagnant 0.1% agar solution or continued aerated solution for 13–15 days. CP, cortical parenchyma; epi, epidermis; exo, exodermis; scl, sclerenchyma. Scale bars: 100 μm. (m) Fluorescence intensity of Fluorol Yellow 088 at the exodermis under aerated (white box) or stagnant (grey box) conditions. Black dots indicate each raw value. n = 2–5.