Representative immunohistochemical staining of liver hepcidin (HEPC,
A&C) and ferroportin (FPN, B&D) of term
newborns who died ~1 h postnatal. Liver of newborn who died of a
non-septic cause (congenital diaphragmatic hernia, No EONS) shows
(A) HEPC localized in hepatocytes in a granular and dispersed
intracellular pattern (arrow), and (B) FPN staining more prominent
around portal veins (arrow) and central vein. Liver of newborn who died of
culture confirmed early-onset sepsis (Yes EONS) shows (C) intense
HEPC staining lining sinusoids, and (D) diffuse FPN staining more
conspicuous near central vein. Magnified insets of boxed regions are shown below
the respective panel (A-D). Histochemical staining for liver iron
stores for No EONS (E) and Yes EONS (F) sections shown
in A-D. Original magnification: upper panels 200×; middle panels
600×; bottom panels 40×. Scale bar = 50 μm
(A-D); scale bar = 200 μm (E&F); c =
central vein.