Figure 1.
Changes in aphid numbers, plant damage and metabolites across three sampling dates. (A) Aphid numbers. (B) plant damage ratings. (C) Jasmonic acid (JA). (D) JA-isoleucine (JA-Ile). (E)12-Oxo-phytodienoic acid (OPDA). (F) Salicylic acid (SA). (G) Abscisic acid (ABA). (H) Metabolite heat map, black = low abundance, yellow = high abundance. In (A) to (G), green bars are from plants infested with greenbugs (GB), and gold bars are from plants infested with infested with yellow sugarcane aphids (YSA). In (C) to (G), blue bars are control uninfested plants. Different letters above bars in (A) to (G) denote significant differences at P ≤ 0.05, with separation of means using Fisher’s LSD. In all panels, days after initial infestation are shown as D5, D10, and D15. In (H), metabolites preferentially enriched in plants infested with GB (set 1, green box), in plants infested with YSA (set 2, gold box), and metabolites enriched in common in infested plants (sets 3 and 4, red boxes). Metabolite lists are provided in Data S1 .