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. 2020 Aug 7;28:38. doi: 10.1186/s12998-020-00327-4

Table 2.

Comparison between the groups (unadjusted means)

Outcome CT junction mobilization group (mean ± SD) Thoracic manipulation group (mean ± SD) Adjusted mean difference (95% CI)
Baseline Post treatment p value Baseline Post treatment p value p value
Flexion 49.95 ± 8.59 54.52 ± 9.13 < 0.01 52.80 ± 11.88 55.28 ± 10.46 0.01 2.36 (− 0.9–5.6) 0.15
Extension 60.85 ± 13.15 64.42 ± 13.46 0.02 53.66 ± 10.51 58.09 ± 8.20 < 0.01 0.28 (− 3.2–3.8) 0.87
L SF 38.52 ± 9.20 41.33 ± 9.99 0.05 37.85 ± 9.18 41.19 ± 8.78 < 0.01 - 2.21 (− 4.9–0.5) 0.11
R SF 40.14 ± 10.38 41.66 ± 10.79 0.01 42.09 ± 11.42 42.09 ± 11.42 < 0.01 - 1.06 (− 4.2–2.1) 0.50
L ROT 61.80 ± 10.91 64.42 ± 12.36 < 0.01 57.90 ± 12.18 61.95 ± 14.10 0.02 1.42 (− 2.5–5.3) 0.47
R ROT 56.57 ± 10.06 59.90 ± 10.13 0.01 51.33 ± 15.85 57.71 ± 14.63 < 0.01 0.28 (− 3.4–3.9) 0.87
NRS 5.52 ± 1.47 4.33 ± 1.95 < 0.01 6.52 ± 1.80 5.23 ± 1.54 < 0.01 − 0.12 (− 0.9–0.6) 0.75

(L-left, R-right, SF-side flexion, ROT-rotation, SD- standard deviation; NRS- Numerical Rating Scale; Mean differences- CT junction mobilization group – Thoracic manipulation group)