Fig 2. Adjusted hazard ratios of length of stay until discharge for US hospitalizations for serious infections in patients with and without opioid use disorder in 2016.
Hazard ratios are from the Fine–Gray subdistribution hazard regression model, adjusted for age, sex, race/ethnicity, primary payer, median household income, Elixhauser Comorbidity Index, hospital size, hospital type, hospital region, elective versus non-elective admission, weekday versus weekend admission, and the number of major operating room procedures. The model for serious infections also controlled for infection type. The event of interest was defined as discharge to home or a post-acute care facility. Competing risks were defined as patient-directed discharge, transfer to another acute care hospital, or in-hospital death. Hazards ratios were calculated for (A) the analysis of serious infections, (B) a sensitivity analysis of conditions not usually requiring prolonged intravenous access, and (C) a sensitivity analysis stratifying the primary model by hospitalizations with and without major operating room procedures. Unadjusted hazard ratios are found in S4 Table. aHR, adjusted hazard ratio; OR, operating room; OUD, opioid use disorder.