Fig 2. Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) of beta diversity based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity in a broiler experiment composed of three feeding additives, basal diet (control), sodium monensin (Mone), or blend (Blend) and coccidiosis challenge (CH) or unchallenged (UN).
(A) Comparison between Mone and control treatments (Adonis with 999 permutations, p = 0.002). (B) Comparison between blend and bcontrol treatments (Adonis with 999 permutations, p = 0.252). (C) Comparison between Mone, blend, and control treatments challenged with coccidiosis (Adonis with 999 permutations, p = 0.179). (D) Between all treatments (Adonis with 999 permutations, p = 0.002).