Fig. 4.
Effects of the hcTnT RCM mutation on IFM myofibrillar properties. (A) Fluorescence (10×) and confocal micrographs (63×, 100×) show no gross structural differences in IFMs (Top) or myofibrils (Middle and Bottom) between control and upE87K Drosophila. Top (10×) depicts hemithoraces that were flash-frozen and sagittally bisected to reveal IFM fiber morphology. Preparations were stained with Alexa-568 phalloidin to label actin. Z discs were distinguished by the expression of GFP-tagged Zasp52, a protein that binds to α-actinin, thereby restricting GFP fluorescence to Z discs. Dotted rectangular boxes highlight the regions imaged below. Sarcomeres were visualized along myofibrils of the hemithoraces, in situ, by confocal microscopy (Middle, 63×). Myofibrils were also isolated for ex vivo imaging (Bottom, 100×). (Scale bars, 5 μm.) (B) upE87K sarcomeres, measured from hemithoraces (in situ) or along isolated myofibrils (ex vivo), were significantly shorter than control (n = 220 to 240). Hence, myofibril removal and isolation from IFMs did not affect mutant sarcomere length. (C) Representative image of an IFM myofibril held between a glass microtool and cantilevered force probe for mechanical assessment. (D) upE87K IFM myofibrils exhibited significantly higher resting tension relative to control, which was restored to WT values postincubation with BDM. Control myofibrils showed no difference in stiffness pre- and post-BDM incubation (n = 7 to 16). Data are presented as mean ± SEM (ns > 0.05; *P ≤ 0.05; ***P ≤ 0.001; ****P ≤ 0.0001).