Fig. 1. vdW-hybrid synaptic device with excellent controllability of the conductance.
a Functional and structural comparison of the biological synapse with the vdW-hybrid synaptic device. b Demonstration of potentiation and depression operations with four spikes. c Long-term potentiation (LTP) and depression (LTD) curves including extracted nonlinearity values for the control devices (WSe2 and MoS2 synaptic devices) and the vdW-hybrid synaptic device, where 128 excitatory and inhibitory spikes were applied consecutively to the WCTs. d Symmetricity and effective conductance-state ratio (thresholdΔG = 0.3%) extracted from the LTP/LTD curves. e Conductance responses when eight spikes were applied in a row (four excitatory and four inhibitory) to the WCTs of the three types of devices, and extracted conductance variations |σ|.