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. 2020 Jul 24;8(7):e18599. doi: 10.2196/18599

Figure 6.

Figure 6

Timeline of artificial intelligence application to address factors influencing patient safety (clinical reports, drug safety, and clinical alarms) between 2009 and August 2019. ABC4D: Advanced Bolus Calculator For Diabetes; AI: artificial intelligence; BCP-NN: Bayesian confidence propagation neural network; BCT: binary classification tree; BiLSTM: bi-long short-term memory neural network; BNM: Bayesian network model; CART: classification and regression tree; CHAID: Chi-square automatic interaction detector; CRF-NN: conditional random field neural network; DEWS: deep learning-based early warning system; DT: decision tree; KNN, K-nearest neighbor; LASSO: least absolute shrinkage and selection operator; LR: logistic regression; LSTM-RNN: long short-term memory-recurrent neural network; MEWS: modified early warning system; ML: machine learning; MLP: multilayer perception; MMD; multimodal detection; MT: model tree; NB: naive Bayes; NLP: natural language processing; NN: neural network; NN-BP: neural network back propagation; PANDIT: Patient Assisting Net-Based Diabetes Insulin Titration; RF: random forest; RNN: recurrent neural network; SVM: support vector machine; SVR, support vector regression; XGB; extreme gradient boosting.