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. 2020 Jun 29;9(7):39. doi: 10.1167/tvst.9.7.39

Table 3.

Comparison of Histological and Genetic Characteristics of PUM Tissue and 3D Spheroid

PUM Cell Type Macrophages nBAP1 Chr1 Chr3 Chr6p Chr6q Chr8p Chr8q
S084 Patient tumor Epithelioid Mild Negative L L N N N N
3D spheroid Epithelioid Present Negative NA NA NA NA NA NA
S093 Patient tumor Spindle Mild Positive N N G L N G
3D spheroid Spindle Present Positive N N G L N G
S104 Patient tumor Mixed NA NA N N N N N N
3D spheroid Spindle Present Positive N N N N N N
S119 Patient tumor Mixed Mild Positive N N G N N N
3D spheroid Spindle Present Positive N N G N N N
S121 Patient tumor Mixed Mild Negative L L G L N N
3D spheroid Spindle Present Negative N L N L N G

nBAP1, nuclear BAP1; L, loss; N, normal; G, gain; NA, not assessed.