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. 2020 Jul 31;34(8):344–355. doi: 10.1089/apc.2019.0256

Table 1.

Neurocognitive Measures and Normative Data Sources

Neurocognitive domains and tests Normative data sources
Executive function
 Wisconsin Card Sorting Task-64 Item Version Kongs et al. (2000)91
 Trail Making Test (Part B) Heaton et al. (2004)92
Attention/working memory
 WAIS-III Letter Number Sequencing Heaton et al. (2003)93
 PASAT Total Correct Heaton et al. (2004)92
Learning, memory
 Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised (Total Recall; Delayed Recall) Benedict et al. (1998)94
 Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised (Total Recall; Delayed Recall) Benedict (1997)95
Motor function
 Grooved Pegboard Time (dominant and nondominant hand) Heaton et al. (2004)92
Processing speed
 WAIS-III Digit Symbol Heaton et al. (2003)93
 WAIS-III Symbol Search Heaton et al. (2003)93
 Trail Making Test (Part A) Heaton et al. (2003)93
Verbal fluency
 Controlled Oral Word Association Test (F-A-S; Animals) Heaton et al. (2004)92