RUNX regulation within BCSCs. (a) Normalized counts within the RNAseq demonstrate that RUNX1 is the predominant RUNX factor expressed within MCF10AT1, while RUNX2 is differentially expressed between BCSC (CD24−/low/CD44+/high, yellow) and bulk non-BCSC (CD24+/high/CD44+, pink). RUNX3 is not expressed. (b) FACS for these subpopulations followed by western blot analysis demonstrated an increase of RUNX2 within BCSCs. (c) Densitometry of westerns previously published (Hong et al., 2018) demonstrate a decrease in RUNX1, CD24, and CDH1 and an increase in RUNX2, ZEB1, and VIM. (d) A heatmap of the RUNX2 interaction network is displayed. BCSC, breast cancer stem cell; FACS, fluorescence-activated cell sorting; RUNX, Runt-related transcription factor