(A) Experimental design of TPLSM before and after administration of AMD3100 and BOP (Rx).
(B) TPLSM snapshots at the indicated times demonstrating the trajectory of a Tom+ HSC before (cyan, Pre-Rx) and after (magenta, Post-Rx) treatment. Scale bar, 17μm.
(C) Representative XY trajectories of two Tom+ cells (labeled “a” and “b”) from three separate experiments before (cyan) and after (magenta) the treatment. Hours of tracking for each cell before and after the treatment are indicated.
(D) Displacement velocities before and after the treatment for 14 cells from 5 individual animals.
(E) Track segmentation of a representative Tom+ HSC before and after treatment. Associated P(Rnm) values for each PM segment before (Pre-Rx) and after treatment (Post-Rx) are indicated.
(F) Fraction of track segments comprising PM and CRW before (blue) and after treatment (green).
(G) 1Shape factor and velocity (V) of a single representative HSC before (blue) and after (red) the treatment. Dashed lines represent average values; correlation coefficients (k) are indicated.