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. 2019 Dec 12;10(3):159–167. doi: 10.34172/bi.2020.20

Table 3. Effects of various doses of HESS, GB and GB plus HESS on PON1, lipid peroxidation and the inflammatory factors in experimental groups .

Groups Parameters
PON1 (µU/L) MDA (µM/mL) TNF-α (PM/mL) hs -CRP (ng/mL)
NCa 143.6±6b 0.021±0.002b-h 19.8±1.1b,c 1.8±0.3b,c
DCb 80.2±16a,d-h 0.039±0.002a,d,e,g,h 21.6±1.3a,d,f,g 2.4±0.3a,e-d
HESS-100c 82.2±17a,d-h 0.039±0.002a,d,e,g,h 21.7±1.7a,d,g,h 2.29±0.3a,d,e,g,h
HESS-200d 121.0±16b,c,h 0.034±0.002a-c,e,h 20.4±.9 1.81±0.4b,c
HESS-400e 126.0±6b,c 0.029±0.002a-d,f,g 19.6±1.2b,c 1.78±0.2b,c
GBf 140.0±6 b,c 0.035±0.002a-c,e,g,h 20.2±1.0 1.91±0.4b
GB+HESS-200g 143.2±7b,c 0.034±0.001a-c,e,h 19.6±1.0b,c 1.79±0.2b,c
GB+HESS-400h 146.60±10b-d 0.029±0.002a-d,f,g 18.8±1.1b,c 1.73±0.1b,c
ANOVA ( P value) 0.001 0.001 0.013 0.016

The variables are presented as means ± SD. NC (normal control); DC (diabetic control); HESS (hydroalcoholic extract of S. securidaca seeds); GB (glibenclamide).Groups at the left column have been defined by superscript letters (ah). Superscript letters (af) within a column denote significant differences ( P < 0.05).