(a) The points represent recall performance at each of the eight retrieval epochs for healthy controls (HC, orange) and schizophrenia (SCZ, green) patients (error bars are ±SEM). The overlaid curves represent the Gompertz function fit to the average performance for each group. As evident from the shaded windows, the Early and Late phases of learning are characterized, respectively, by linear and asymptotic performance regimes. Subsequent figures represent the mean parameter estimates from fitting Gompertz functions to data from each individual participant. The data are presented for (b) asymptote, (c) learning rate time constant, and (d) inflection point (error bars are ±SEM). As seen, on average, SCZ patients reached lower asymptotic proficiency than HC (p < .05), and transitioned from linear to asymptotic learning later, (p < .05). The increase in the learning rate time constant was not statistically significant (p > 0.05) but is indicative of slower learning rates in SCZ patients