CCA variant | CCA application | Reference |
Supervised local CCA | Combine two modalities | Zhao, Qiao, Shi, Yap, and Shen (2017) |
Tensor CCA | Morphological networks | Graa and Rekik (2019) |
Bayesian CCA | Realign fMRI data from multiple subjects | Smirnov et al. (2017) |
Task fMRI activation detection | Fujiwara, Miyawaki, and Kamitani (2013) | |
Others | Toolbox | Bilenko and Gallant (2016) |
Reviews | Liu and Calhoun (2014) and Sui, Adali, Yu, Chen, and Calhoun (2012) |
Abbreviations: CCA, canonical correlation analysis; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging.