Effect of ILC depletion with monoclonal antibody to CD90.2 on chronic DSS in RAG‐1−/− mice. A, RAG−/− were injected every 3 days with saline (n = 7), isotype (n = 6), or anti‐CD90.2 (YTS) antibody (n = 8) and exposed to three cycles of DSS and compared with control mice without DSS administration (n = 8). B, Relative weight curve. Colon parameters: length (C), weight (D), and W/L ratio (E). Disease activity markers; macroscopic score (F), microscopic score (G), and histological active disease score (H). Representative MSB stainings (blue = collagen) of control mice without DSS administration (L) and chronic DSS colitis mice treated with saline (M), isotype (N), and YTS (O) injections. Results of Kruskal‐Wallis testing is shown on top of each figure, significance of results of multiple testing with Dunn's correction compared with healthy controls is shown above the group; *P < .05, **P ≤ .01, ***P ≤ .001. Data are shown as individual values with median. Data are pooled from two independent experiments. DSS, dextran sulfate sodium; MP, muscularis propria; MSB, Martius Scarlet Blue; RAG, recombination activating gene; W/L, weight/length