Results of the Whole-Brain Searchlight Analysis: Comparison between Blind and Sighted Participants
Regions in which classification accuracy achieved by the searchlight (cube with 7 voxels length—343 voxels in total) was different in the blind and the sighted. Warm-color hues indicate higher decoding accuracy in blind participants, whereas cold-color cues represent higher decoding accuracy in sighted participants. Data for sighted participants were taken from [1]. Threshold: p < 0.001 voxelwise, corrected for multiple comparisons using cluster extent. The searchlight analysis was performed in the volume space, and results are displayed on a standard flattened cortical surface reconstruction for visualization purposes. White outlines represent combined Brodmann areas 17 and 18, as defined by a BrainVoyager brain atlas. CoS, collateral sulcus; EVC, early visual cortex. See also Figure S4.