Table 1.
Classification schemes for lacunar stroke and cerebral small vessel disease.
LS Classification | Assessment | Definition | Reference |
TOAST | Clinical | CT/MRI unremarkable or with subcortical lesion <15mm that explains acute symptoms, No cardioembolism, No ipsilateral large vessel stenosis >50% | (34) |
CCS | Clinical | CT/MRI with lesion in territory of penetrating vessel and <20mm that explains acute symptoms, No focal pathology in parent artery | (36) |
ASCOD | Clinical | CT/MRI with small/deep lesion <15mm that explains acute symptoms, Stuttering symptoms, CT/MRI evidence of chronic LS/WMH/CMB/PVS | (37) |
STRIVE | Radiographic | Recent small subcortical infarcts are DWI hyperintensities <20mm, Chronic lacunes are T2 hypointensities with hyperintense rim <15mm | (38) |
Poirier and Derouesné | Pathologic | Type Ia old infarcts <20mm with pan-necrotic cavitation and scattered macrophages, Type Ib incomplete infarcts with selective loss of vulnerable elements | (92) |
cSVD Disease Process | Vessel Size | Definition | Reference |
Arteriosclerosis/atherosclerosis | 200-800 μm | Microatheromatous plaques with foam cells | (11) |
Arteriolosclerosis | 40-150 μm | Concentric hyaline thickening of vessel wall | (59) |
Lipohyalinosis | 40-300 μm | Non-inflammatory lipid and protein aggregation | (60) |