Extended Data Figure 4. Fructose induces steatosis and contributes substantially to newly synthesized fatty acids in the liver independently of ACLY.
a, Schematic of experimental design of drinking water study. b, Daily consumption of unsweetened (H2O) or 15% fructose + 15% glucose sweetened (Fruc:Gluc) water per mouse, each dot represents a repeat measurement (n = H2O: 6, Fruc:Gluc: 7), statistical significance determined using Welch’s t test. c, Weight gain of WT or LAKO mice given H2O or Fruc:Gluc water for 4 weeks (n = WT – H2O: 4, LAKO – H2O: 4, WT – Fruc:Gluc: 8, LAKO Fruc:Gluc: 6), p value indicated comparing all H2O vs. Fruc:Gluc mice determined by Welch’s t test. d, Representative H&E and Oil Red O histological stains of livers from mice in panel c. Scale bars = 100 μm. e, Experimental design for data shown in Figure 1c. f, Isotopologue distribution of labeled serum saponified fatty acids shown in Figure 1c. For all panels, data are mean ± SD.