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. 2020 Jul 14;10(15):8416–8428. doi: 10.1002/ece3.6548



Relationship between experimental diet and concentrations of corticosterone (means ± SE) in plasma before and 30 days after the experimental diet was implemented. All 20 nestlings were sampled for corticosterone. One postdiet sample was excluded because it took more than 3 min to collect that sample. Otherwise, all were collected within 3 min of capture. There were statistical outliers in both the pre‐ and postdiet groups (prediet: 1 natural diet bird = 14.88 ng/ml, postdiet: 1 natural diet bird = 53.11 ng/ml). We left these in the analyses because we had no good reason to remove them, and their presence/absence did not change the overall result, but we removed them for the purposes of depicting the data in a way they were visible. Significant differences are indicated by different letters over boxes, and numbers in (or just above) boxes indicate sample sizes. For these box plots, the boxes show the 25th and 75th percentile values, the line within shows the median value, and the whiskers show the minimum and maximum of the dataset