Fig. 2.
Precise time courses of interhemispheric facilitation and inhibition. (A) IHF and (B) IHI (N = 12) tested at ISIs 1.5 ms before and 0.5 ms after the time points for maximal facilitation and inhibition with 0.1 ms resolution. Abscissa indicates the ISI. Time 0 was defined as the ISI with maximal IHF or IHI in each subject. Ordinate indicates the magnitude of IHF (open circle) or IHI (filled circle). It is expressed as a percentage difference between motor evoked potential amplitude induced by CS-TS paired-pulse stimulation and that induced by TS alone (defined as 100%). The value for IHF is positive and that for IHI is negative. ∗P < 0.05, ∗∗P < 0.01, post hoc paired t-test with Bonferroni’s correction comparing motor evoked potential with paired-pulse stimulation to that with TS alone. CS = conditioning stimulus; IHF = interhemispheric facilitation; IHI = interhemispheric inhibition; ISI = interstimulus interval; TS = test stimulus.