Table 2.
Structural effects | Description | Graphical representation |
Outdegree (density) | Tendency to groom other cows | |
Reciprocity | Individuals tend to groom cows that previously groomed them | |
Three-cycle | Individuals tend to reciprocate grooming through triadic closure (generalized reciprocity) | |
Transitive triplets | Individuals tend to groom cows with whom they share a common contact (triad closure) | |
Transitive reciprocate triplets | Individuals tend to reciprocate grooming in triads | |
Indegree popularity | Individuals groomed by a larger number of cows—higher indegree scores—are more attractive to others and will to be groomed by even more cows on the next wave | |
Outdegree popularity | Individuals that groom many cows—high outdegree scores—are more attractive to others and will be groomed by more cows on the next wave | |
Outdegree activity | Individuals that groom many cows—high outdegree scores—will groom even more cows on the next wave | |
Out-outdegree assortativity | Individuals that groom many cows—high outdegree scores—will interact with cows with high outdegree scores |
Circles represent nodes, white arrows indicate the transition between two waves. Black arrows illustrate the interaction between nodes and red arrows correspond to new interactions.