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. 2020 Aug 10;10:13475. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-70406-2

Table 1.

Assembly and annotation statistics of de novo assemblies from short read transcriptome data of ergot susceptible DH372 and ergot moderate resistant Helltop of rye hybrids.

Attributes Ergot susceptible DH372 Ergot resistant Helltop
Control Claviceps purpurea inoculated Control Claviceps purpurea inoculated
ID_1A ID_2A ID_3A ID_4A ID_5A ID_6A Combined DH372 ID_10A ID_11A ID_12A ID_13A ID_14A ID-15A Combined Helltop
Clean reads 24,833,832 24,427,226 24,635,234 18,116,390 20,833,628 24,898,586 137,744,896 24,674,052 24,427,654 26,642,152 24,503,442 25,138,406 24,792,620 150,178,326
Assembled bases 2,483,383,200 2,442,722,600 2,463,523,400 1,811,639,000 2,083,362,800 2,489,858,600 13,774,489,600 2,467,405,200 2,442,765,400 2,664,215,200 2,450,344,200 2,513,840,600 2,479,262,000 15,017,832,600
GC % 52.54 52.77 52.42 50.89 50.46 50.23 51.5 52.2 51 50.97 51.26 50.73 51.78 51.32
Transcript number after Trinity assembly 88,023 84,932 89,825 93,016 91,345 89,342 240,689 92,491 90,991 98,494 88,034 82,404 87,345 248,337
Transcript number after CD-HIT-EST 57,143 47,329 50,616 77,315 62,145 61,134 208,690 53,803 61,158 78,418 58,602 53,529 61,232 192,162
Coding sequences (Rye specific) 36,256 31,603 32,609 42,610 31,235 32,342 66,350 34,888 31,731 43,940 35,299 28,529 32,234 57,965
Rye Unigenes 14,978 13,659 13,951 15,347 13,182 13,092 18,458 14,625 13,478 15,316 14,572 9,358 14,765 18,786
Average contig length 723 694 722 737 743 726 766 722 745 869 802 765 863 787
N50 888 834 900 927 908 899 1220 856 875 998 905 723 1235