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. 2020 Aug 10;10:13479. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-70251-3

Table 6.

FTIR of E. intestenalis biomass: (before and after chromium and MG biosorption) summary of wave numbers and corresponding functional groups.

Before adsorption After adsorption Functional groups
3,448 3,508–3,483-3,450 3,600–2,800 Sharp peak (Alcohol or Phenol free OH) ν(H-bonded OH) Carboxylic acid: very broad peak
2,923, 2,855 2,923, 2,855 C–H stretching
2,293–2,266 alkanes
2,149 2,143 2,260–2,100 C≡ C stretch (alkynes)
1653 1,650 1,680–1,640–C=C– stretch (alkenes)
1,459 1,426 1,500–1,400 (m) C–C stretch (in–ring) aromatics
1,261 1,261 1,300–1,150 (m) C–H wag (CH2 X) alkyl halides
1,034 1,031 1,250–1,020 (m) C–N stretch aliphatic amines
992 CH2
851 849 900–675 (s) C–H "oop" aromatics
798 797 800–600 C–Cl
529 750–500 C-I