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. 2020 Aug 11;18(8):e06222. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2020.6222

Table 38.

Summary results of literature reports on total glycoalkloid (TGA) concentrations in aubergine

Country Year of survey Aubergine species N TGA average (mg/kg fw)c Range (mg/kg fw) Analytical technique Reference
IN 1979 S. melongena a 21 113 65–205 Colourimetric Bajaj et al. (1979)
UK 1981 S. melongena b 2 79 76–82 Colourimetric Jones and Fenwick (1981)
TR 2006 S. melongena b 1 < LOQ (10) HPLC‐UV Eanes et al. (2006)
ES 2010 S. melongena a 3 14.3 11–20 LC‐MS/MS Sánchez‐Mata et al. (2010)
S. macrocarpon a 4 1639 1,402–2,210
S. aethiopicum a 3 19.5 10–54
IT 2012 S. melongena, unripea 10 10.2d 0.6–19.6d HPLC‐UV Mennella et al. (2012)
S. melongena, commercial statea 10 20.6d < 0.02–85d
S. melongena, physiologically ripea 10 163d 25.0–403d
S. aethiopicum, unripea 1 527
S. aethiopicum, commercial stagea 1 193
S. aethiopicum, physiologically ripea 1 349
IT 2016 S. melongena, commercial statea 3 311d 231–430d HPLC‐UV Lo Scalzo et al. (2016)
IT 2019 S. melongena, commercial statea 3 435d LC‐HRMS Lelario et al. (2019)

TGA: total glycoalkaloids; LC: liquid chromatography; UV: ultraviolet; MS: mass spectrometry; MS/MS: tandem MS; HR: high resolution; HP: high performance.


Field trial.




Average as reported by the authors or calculated based on the provided individual data.


Concentrations were presented as dry weight; fresh weight concentrations have been calculated based on the water content of the samples as provided in the publication.