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. 2020 Aug 10;175(1):96–97. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.2344

Table. Generalized Estimating Equations for Visual Search Saccadic Reaction Times Predicted by Concurrent Usage Group, Visit, Search Type, and Set Size.

Characteristic Wald χ2 P value
Main model including search type
Visit 11.46 .001
Search type 119.62 <.001
Set size (5 vs 9) 6.07 .01
Group 9.83 .002
Visit × set size 0.33 .57
Visit × search type 2.74 .10
Visit × group 0.38 .54
Search type × set size 4.06 .04
Set size × group 0.005 .94
Search type × group 1.89 .17
Visit × search type × set size 2.00 .16
Visit × set size × group 0.01 .91
Visit × search type × group 0.85 .36
Search type × set size × group 0.09 .77
Visit × set size × search type × group 4.01 .045
Follow-up model restricted to single search
Visit 13.41 <.001
Set size (5 vs 9) 2.73 .10
Group 10.45 .001
Visit × set size 0.61 .44
Visit × group <0.001 .99
Set size × group 0.006 .94
Visit × set size × group 2.94 .09
Follow-up model restricted to conjunction search
Visit 1.17 .28
Set size (5 vs 9) 6.15 .01
Group 0.12 .73
Visit × set size 1.55 .21
Visit × group 0.05 .82
Set size × group <0.001 >.99
Visit × set size × group 1.10 .30