Fig. 8.
Modelled depth dependence of the rate constant ktot of photoinactivation of MS2 coliphage and poliovirus in a water body with the same optical properties and exogenous photosensitiser concentrations as observed in a simulated open water wetland.183 The term “clear water” indicates that ktot was computed assuming water at the surface with no light attenuation or sensitisation by coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM). kendo and kexo are the first-order rate constants for direct and indirect photoinactivation, respectively. The circles in the right panel represent ktot and include both direct (green) and indirect (brown) photoinactivation (ktot = kendo + kexo). The abbreviations “endo” and “exo” refer to the light-absorbing compounds, i.e., biological molecules inside the viruses and CDOM outside the viruses, respectively (reproduced with permission of the Royal Society of Chemistry from Fig. 10 of ref. 183).