Global anomalies of monthly wetland CH4 emissions (a) and instantaneous growth rates of wetland CH4 emission anomalies from 1980 to 2016 for the Global (b), Tropics (middle, 30°S-30°N) (c), and Northern Hemisphere (bottom, >30°N) (d). The global anomalies of wetland CH4 emissions were calculated relative to monthly average from 1980–2016. The instantaneous growth rate for each simulation is a time derivative of the smoothed monthly CH4 anomalies using spline functions. The Spearman rank correlation coefficients between the multivariate ENSO index (MEI) and monthly wetland anomalies were derived from cross correlation analyses (Figure S1) at 3 month lags (Lag= −3), with different colors corresponding to specific runs. Shaded grey areas represent the strong El Niño phases with MEI strength > 60 according to MEI ranks (, last access at January 2018).