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. 2020 Aug 11;6(3):00359-2019. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00359-2019


Retrospectively collected data on asthma exacerbations, hospitalisation and emergency department admissions/visits

Study (year) [ref.] Age range years Study groups n Exacerbation parameter(s) Data for exacerbations by specified parameter, for each study group
Exacerbations reported in ≤6 months prior to study entry
 Bateman et al.  (2012) [25] ≥12 97, 100, 110, 95, 102, 94 Pts with ≥1 exacerbation in last 6 months 18%, 19%, 16%, 25%, 17%, 21%
 McIvor et al.  (2009) [22]# ≥6 534 Patients with any exacerbation in 6 weeks prior to study entry 51.7%
 Skoner et al.  (2005) [57] 2–5 58, 51, 52, 50 No. of exacerbations in last 30 days Mean: 1.8, 1.3, 1.5, 1.2 Median: 0,1,0, 0
Pts with ≥1 exacerbation in last 30 days 48.3%, 52.9%, 48.1%, 36.7%
 Woodcock et al.  (2002) [59] 18–65 86, 86 Mean no. daytime asthma attacks in 7-day run-in 0.25, 0.18
Mean no. night-time asthma attacks in 7-day run-in 0.10, 0.10
Exacerbations reported in 12 months/1 year prior to study entry
 Bateman et al.  (2018) [26] 12–83 2089, 2087 Pts with 1 severe exacerbation in last 12 months 17.5%, 17.3%
Pts with ≥1 severe exacerbations in last 12 months 22%, 21.9%
Pts with ≥2 severe exacerbations in last 12 months 4.5%, 4.7%
 Ding and Small  (2017) [49] ≥12 524, 591 Pts with 1 exacerbation in last 12 months 9.0%, 13.1%
Pts with ≥3 exacerbations in last 12 months 3.4%, 1.9%
Mean (sd) no. of moderate-to-severe exacerbations in last 12 months 0.2 (0.6)
Mean (sd) no. of exacerbations treated in ED or hospital in last 12 months 0.1 (0.4), 0.1 (0.3)
Mean (sd) no. of exacerbations treated with OCS, antibiotics, ED or hospital admission in last 12 months+ 0.1 (0.5), 0.2 (0.6)
Pts with 1 exacerbation treated with OCS, antibiotics, ED or hospital admission in last 12 months+ 5.8%, 10.8%
Pts with ≥3 exacerbations treated with OCS, antibiotics, ED or hospital admission in last 12 months+ 1.0%, 1.5%
 Giraud et al.  (2006) [54] ≥18 94 Pts hospitalised for asthma in previous 12 months 4.3%
 Herjavecz et al.  (1999) [55] 17–67 90, 91 Time since last exacerbation 12.5 months, 13.0 months
 Lai et al. (2003)  [61] Mean 7.4–40.5 1709, 633 Pts with hospital admissions in last year 7.3%, 15.4%
Pts with any hospital ED/unscheduled emergency visit in the last year 33.1%, 41.3%
 Martinez et al.  (2011) [36] 5–18 71, 72, 71,74 Mean no. hospital visits for asthma in last 1 year 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.2
 O’Byrne et al.  (2018) [38] ≥12 1277, 1277,1282 Pts with ≥1 severe exacerbation in last 12 months 20.0%, 20.1%, 18.8%
 Peters et al.  (2007) [56] ≥6 166, 165, 169 Pts with ≥1 urgent visit for asthma in last 1 year 30.7%, 35.8%, 35.5%
 Robertson et al.  (2007) [21]§ 2–14 97, 105 Median no. of ED attendances for asthma in last 1 year 1, 1
Median no. of hospital admissions for asthma in last 1 year 1, 1
 Soyer et al.  (2009) [60] 6–18 522 Mean (sd) no. of unscheduled visits per patient 1.2 (0.2)
Mean (sd) no. of ED visits per patient 0.6 (0.05)
 Verbene et al.  (1996) [58] 7–16 30 Pts hospitalised for asthma in last 1 year 0%

All studies were randomised controlled trials except Giraud et al. [54], McIvor et al. [22], Ding and Small [49], Lai et al. [61] and Soyer et al. [60]. pts: patients; ED: emergency department; OCS: oral corticosteroids; no.: number. # Study included patients with a history of exacerbations (time frame not specified); n=1076; + time frame not specified in Results section of [49] although Methods section suggests 12-month timeframe; §: Study included only patients with a history of 3–6 exacerbations (hospitalisation or ED visit or general practitioner visits) in the 12 months prior to enrolment/screening.