Fig. 2.
Cytotoxic effect of NEFA in MAC-T cells is pH-dependent and partly reduced by albumin added to the media. a Activity of constitutively expressed renilla luciferase decreases with increasing doses of NEFA isolated from a pool of blood serum from post-partum cows. Vertical bars represent standard error. b Cell proliferation, expressed as the average count of Hoescht 33342-positive cells per field imaged at 10×. Letters indicate model-wise differences; asterisks indicate significant differences when compared to DMEM control (P < 0.01). c Apoptosis measured via fluorescent imaging and expressed as a measure of propidium iodide positive cells over Hoescht 33342-positive cells. Letters indicate within-group differences; asterisks indicate significant differences when compared to DMEM control (P < 0.01)