circTNPO3 Directly Binds to miR-1299 and Suppresses miR-1299 Activity
(A) Schematic illustration showing the overlap of the target miRNAs of circTNPO3 predicted by miRanda, PITA, and RNAhybrid. (B) Endogenous circTNPO3 was efficiently pulled down by anti-Ago2. (C) miRNA pull-down assay showed that circTNPO3 was only efficiently enriched by miR-1299. (D) The luciferase reporter systems showed that miR-1299 mimic considerably reduced the luciferase activity of the WT-circTNPO3 luciferase reporter vector compared with negative control, while miR-1299 mimic did not pose any impact on the luciferase activity of MUT-circTNPO3-transfected SKOV3/PTX cells. (E) The luciferase reporter systems showed that miR-1299 mimic considerably reduced the luciferase activity of the WT-circTNPO3 luciferase reporter vector compared with negative control, while miR-1299 mimic did not pose any impact on the luciferase activity of MUT-circTNPO3-transfected HeyA-8/PTX cells. (F) circTNPO3 and miR-1299 simultaneously existed in the production precipitated by anti-AGO2. All tests were performed at least three times. Data were expressed as mean ± SD. ∗∗p < 0.01.