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. 2009 Jun 1;83(3):555–565. doi: 10.1007/s00253-009-1934-7

Table 2.

Phenotypic and biochemical characteristics of strain 2002 (1) and relative cehtnothe type strains of the closely related genera within the family Neisseriaceae, Psuedogulbenkiania subflava BP-5T (2), Pauldibacterium yongneupense 5YN8-15T (3), Chromobacterium violaceum ATCC 12472T (4), Chromobacterium subtsugae PRAA4-1T (5), Aquitalea magnusonii TRO-001-1DR8T (6), and Gulbenkiania mobilis E4FC31T (7)

Characteristic 1 2a 3b 4c 5f 6g 7h
Isolation source Freshwater lake sediment Stream water Wetland peat Soil/water Soil Humic lake Municipal wastewater
Colony color Pink–orange Yellow Violet Violet Tan No pigment
DNA G + C content (mol%) 64 63 63 65–68 65 59 63
Growth Temperature 15–40 15–42 4–35 28–40 4–40 28–37 15–45
pH Growth 6.75–8 6–8 4–8 5–8 4.5–9.0 5–8 5.5–9
NaCl tolerance (%) <1 <1 <5 <4 <3 <1.5 <3
Urease + e NT
Lithoautotrophic + NT NT NT NT
Carbon utilization of
Maltose + + + NT
Glucose + + + + + +
Sucrose + + NT
Trehalose + + NT + +
Capric acid + + +e + NT +
Mannose + +
N-acetylglucosamine + + + +
Use of electron acceptors
Nitrous oxide + NT d +
Fermentation of
Glucose + + + +
Ribose + NT
HCN production NT NT + NT NT
Hydrolysis of Gelatin NT + +

NT Not tested

aCharacteristics of P. subflava obtained from Kwon et al. (2008) and Lin et al. (2008)

bCharacteristics of P. yongneupense obtained from Kwon et al. (2008)

cCharacteristics of C. violaceum obtained from Gillis & Logan (2005) unless otherwise noted

dCharacteristics of C. violaceum obtained from Bazylinski et al. (1986)

eCharacteristics of C. violaceum obtained from the Identification table of the bioMérieux API 20 NE kit

fCharacteristics of C. subtsugae obtained from Martin et al. (2007) unless otherwise noted

gCharacteristics of A. magnusonii obtained from Lau et al. (2006) unless otherwise noted

hCharacteristics of G. mobilis obtained from Vaz-Moreira et al. (2007) unless otherwise noted