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. 2020 Aug 11;28(Suppl 1):50–56. doi: 10.1007/s12471-020-01456-4

Table 1.

Cohorts of DOSIS

Cohort Participating centres Population Biobank collection Aim
Erasmus HCM observational cohort Erasmus MC HCM patients and gene variant carriers DNA Identify predictive clinical markers for major cardiac events
BIO FOr CARe observational cohort UMC Utrecht, UMC Groningen, Amsterdam UMC, Erasmus MC All sarcomere gene variants DNA, RNA (from blood), plasma and serum Identify predictive biomarkers for major cardiac events
Telephone interviews UMC Utrecht, UMC Groningen, Amsterdam UMC

MYBPC3 founder gene

variant carriers

n.a. Determine predictive value of environmental factors (especially exercise) for major cardiac events
ENERGY randomised placebo-controlled trial Amsterdam UMC, Erasmus MC Preclinical MYH7 gene variant carriers Serum Determine effects of trimetazidine on improving myocardial energy efficiency in the pre-clinical disease stage
Myectomy cohort Erasmus MC, UMC Utrecht HCM patients undergoing septal myectomy DNA, cardiac tissue Collect myocardial tissue for use in etiological studies