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. 2020 Aug 5;11:1153. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.01153

Figure 6.

Figure 6

3-D rendering of ANN1-GFP distribution in A. thaliana primary root stably expressing proANN1::ANN1:GFP construct. Data were obtained by Luxendo MuVI SPIM and after post-processing 3-D reconstruction was made by Arivis. (A) Overview of the elongation and differentiation zone of the primary root with root hairs (arrowheads) in different stages of their development. (B) Clipping of the 3-D model against z-plane revealed the highest fluorescence intensity of ANN1-GFP (red in pseudocolored intensity scale) in trichoblast cell files (t). (C–E) Clipping of the 3-D model against y-plane, where in (C) the lowest plane shows root cross-section at the elongation zone with a different distribution of ANN1-GFP in trichoblasts (t) and atrichoblasts (a). (D, E) 3-D projections displaying root cross-sections at the differentiation zone, arrowhead indicates growing root hair, whereas y-clipping along its longitudinal plane point to ANN1-GFP accumulation in root hair tip. (F) Heat map presents ANN1-GFP fluorescence intensity in pseudocolors with the lowest fluorescence intensity corresponding to black and highest fluorescence intensity corresponding to red color. Arrowheads point root hair tips, (t) points trichoblasts, and (a) atrichoblasts.