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. 2020 Aug 12;20(Suppl 2):1176. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-09156-9

Table 1.

Characteristics of Respondents

Survey (N = 3659)
n (%)a
KIIs (N = 194)
n (%)
Country distribution
 Global1 796 (21.8%) 18 (9.3%)
 Afghanistan 513 (14.0%) 28 (14.4%)
 Bangladesh 106 (2.9%) 17 (8.8%)
 Democratic Republic of Congo 499 (13.6%) 23 (11.9%)
 Ethiopia 101 (2.8%) 30 (15.4%)
 India 401 (11.0%) 25 (12.9%)
 Indonesia 322 (8.8%) 26 (13.4%)
 Nigeria 921 (25.2%) 27 (13.9%)
Levels worked
 Global 565 (9.2%) 18 (9.3%)
 National 894 (14.6%) 84 (43.3%)
 State/District 3333 (52.7%) 70 (36.1%)
 Sub-district/Frontline 1445 (23.5%) 22 (11.3%)
Organizational representation
 GPEI partners 2948 (34.5%) 61 (31.4%)
 Government 3657 (42.8%) 96 (49.5%)
 Implementing organizations 1600 (18.7%) 23 (11.9%)
 Research organizations 119 (1.4%) 5 (2.6%)
 Other 216 (2.5%) 9 (4.6%)
Polio program goal2
 Resource mobilization 213 (2.7%)
 Partnership development 312 (4.0%)
 Strategy development 577 (7.4%)
 Strengthening delivery systems 926 (11.9%)
 Vaccine administration 2132 (27.4%)
 Surveillance 1426 (18.3%)
 Community Engagement 1176 (15.1%)
 Monitoring and Evaluation 1027 (13.2%)

aSurvey respondents were able to select multiple responses for the following characteristics: the levels where they worked, their organizational representation, and the polio program goal over the period 1988–2019. Hence, the sum of responses (n) under each of these characteristics is greater than the total number of respondents (N = 3659 for the survey)

1Global respondents refer to those respondents contacted by the global survey, as compared to surveys conducted in the seven focus countries. This sample therefore includes individuals who may have primarily worked at the global level but also supported polio eradication in one or multiple countries

2Survey respondents were asked to indicate polio program goals which they were involved as part of the survey response; this information was not gathered during key informant interviews, though respondents’ experiences were reviewed a priori to ensure representativeness across program goals