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. 2020 Jan 29;2:2. doi: 10.1186/s42490-020-0036-6

Table 7.

Studies on DTI in transtibial prosthetic users using acoustic emission and sensory tests

Author and year Type of study Parameter of interest Methodology Input Outcome measures
Buis et al. 2018 [35] Ex vivo animal study Acoustic signalling

- Tensile test setup

- Immersion of bovine and galline specimen in saline solution

- Recording of acoustic signals during tensile test of specimen with hydrophone

Tensile load and displacement (Instron)

Acoustic emission: amplitude and frequency

(No correlation found btw. Acoustic emission and deformation)

Kosasih et al. 1998 [28] Experimental Study Sensory analysis

- Qualitative sensory assessment of the residuum in 16 TTAa s

- Test sides: pressure tolerant and pressure sensitive areas of residuum

- Contralateral limb as control

Physical administration of cotton swab wisp, firm pressure, tuning fork vibration, safety pin prick by physician Qualitative feedback about sensory response either at detection of stimulus or with description (i.e. sharp or dull pain)

a Transtibial amputee