Figure 2.
Phenotypic heterogeneity of glioma-infiltrating T cells. (A to D) Single-cell mass cytometry was performed on freshly isolated tumor tissue from pediatric glioma samples to characterize the tumor infiltrating T cells. (A) CD3-gated density plot showing expression of CD45RO and CD69 on tumor-infiltrating T cells. Bar graph shows CD69+, CD45RO+ and TRM cells as percent of total CD3, CD4 and CD8 T cells in all patients (n=9). (B) Heatmap showing expression of CD103, TCF1, CD27, CD127, PD-1, GZMB, TIGIT and LAG3 in CD103+, TCF1+ and TCF1/CD103neg T cells (n=4). (C) Bar graph showing distribution of CD4 and CD8 T cells within CD103+, TCF1+ and TCF1/CD103neg T cells (n=4). (D) Bar graph shows expression of CD27 and CD127, inhibitory immune checkpoints PD-1, TIGIT and LAG3, and GZMB in CD103+, TCF1+ and TCF1/CD103neg T cells (n=4). (E and F) Panels show multiplex IHC was used to characterize the expression of TCF1 and CD103 on tumor-infiltrating T cells. (E) Major subtypes of T cells identified by multiplex IHC of paraffin-embedded tumor tissue included CD3+ and TCF1+ T cells, CD3+ and CD103+ T cells, and CD3+, CD103neg and TCF1neg T cells (n=26). (F) CD103+ and CD3+ T cells as percent of total CD3+ T cells in PXA/GG as well as in patients with PA and HGG as determined by multiplex IHC. All graphs show mean and SEM dots represent individual patient values. GG, ganglioglioma; GZMB, granzyme B; HGG, high-grade glioma; IHC, immunohistochemistry; PA, pilocytic astrocytoma; PXA, pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma.