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. 2020 Jun 30;7(8):ofaa260. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofaa260

Table 1.

Overview of Publications From Sub-Saharan Africa Assessing the Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of CRP and PCT Biomarkers to Differentiate Bacterial vs Nonbacterial Infections in Acute Infectious Episodes

Ref Study Population/Period Outcome of Interest Cutoff, mg/La Sensitivity, % Specificity, % Diagnostic ROC AUC Comments
[24] Rural Mozambique hospitalized children aged <5 y with severe clinical pneumonia (total n meeting inclusion criteria = 835; 9/2006–9/2007), malaria excluded from analysis Malaria (-) bacterial (BC+; n = 82) vs viral pneumonia (n = 64) Malaria (-) Malaria (-) AUC for mortality (11%) in malaria (-)
CRP: 20.9 95 54.2 CRP: 0.87 CRP: 0.64
PCT: 0.72 94.6 74.2 PCT: 0.90 PCT: 0.64
Test: automated analyzer (for both CRP and PCT)
[37] Rural Mozambique hospitalized children aged <5 y with severe clinical pneumonia but no malaria (total n meeting inclusion criteria = 653, n all samples available = 586; 9/2006–9/2007) BC+ (n = 84) vs BC- (n = 246) PCT 0.80 Test: automated analyzer (for both CRP and PCT)
0.64 95 56
0.83 90 60
1.02 85 62
1.15 80 63
1.4 75 64
CRP 0.79 Mortality of 13%; 30% HIV coinfection (but missing for 120/330)
20.9 95 45
27.9 90 50
38 85 57
59.8 80 66
73 75 68
[38] Rural Tanzania; OPD; febrile children aged <5 y (total n meeting inclusion criteria = 867, n all samples available = 660; 1–10/2013) BC+ (n = 17) vs BC- (n = 643) CRP: 37.3 74.2 77.8 0.83 45/56 malaria cases had CRP >40 mg/dL; test: automated analyzer
[39] Rural Tanzania; OPD; children aged <5 y with nonsevere febrile illness & malaria (-) (n included = 428; 7/2011–11/2012) All bacterial infections (n = 90) CRP: 19 44.6 78.5 0.62 Test: POC No. 34, CRP (Supplementary Table 1)
UTI (n = 24) 57.1 78.4 0.62
Bacteremia (n = 6) 50.0 78.5 0.60
IMCI pneumonia (n = 60) vs nonbacterial (n = 341) 37.5 78.5 0.60
[35] Urban Malawi, referral hospital; children aged <16 y with suspected meningitis (n included = 282) or pneumonia (n = 95; 4/2004–10/2006) Serious bacterial infection (n = 280), vs no detectable bacterial infection (n = 97) CRP - - 0.81 HIV 50%; malaria 4%
PCT - - 0.86 AUC for mortality (22%): CRP: 0.43; PCT 0.61
Test: PCT: sandwich immuno-assay; CRP: automated analyzer
[40] Tanzania (1 rural, 1 urban center); OPD; children aged <10 y with clinical pneumonia (n included = 155), malaria excluded from analysis (4–12/2008) End point pneumonia (n = 30) vs normal x-ray (n = 94) CRP: 44.1 80.0 78.7 0.85 Cutoff with highest combined sensitivity/ specificity; test: CRP and PCT: ELISA
PCT: 0.51 70.0 69.2 0.70
[41] Multicountry (South Africa, Zambia, Kenia, Gambia, Mali, Bangladesh, Thailand), 9 sites in urban and rural settings Confirmed bacterial pneumonia (n = 145; 119 HIV-; 26 HIV+) vs RSV pneumonia (n = 567; 556 HIV-; 11 HIV+) CRP: 37.1 77 82 0.87 Proportion among different sites, study period not mentioned in the study
Hospitalized children aged <5 y, with WHO criteria for severe or very severe pneumonia (n included with CRP results = 3357 HIV-, 240 HIV+) Test: CRP: automated analyzer
[42] South Africa, referral hospital; hospitalized children aged <5 y with severe pneumonia (n meeting inclusion criteria = 570; 3/97–8/98) Bacteremic pneumonia (n = 50) and pneumonia of mixed etiology (n = 10) vs viral pneumonia (n = 146) and pneumonia of undefined pneumonia (n = 364) CRP: 10 92.4 28.2 0.8 (0.83 in HIV+, 0.72 in HIV-) 42.8% HIV+ (recorded in 514/570 children)
CRP: 40 75.8 59.9 Test: CRP automated analyzer
[43] Tanzania, 2 hospitals; in- and outpatients with history of/documented fever, all ages (n with available CRP results = 804; 9/2011–5/2014) Bacterial bloodstream infection (n = 31) CRP: 10 97 N/A N/A Self-reported HIV infection (18.4%); 2 patients with bacterial infection co-infected with Plasmodium falciparum; test: CRP automated analyzer
CRP: 20 94
CRP: 40 90
Bacterial zoonosis (n = 61) CRP: 10 87
CRP: 20 82
CRP: 40 72

Abbreviations: BC, blood culture; CRP, C-reactive protein; IMCI, integrated management of childhood illness; OPD, outpatient department; POC, point of care; PCT, procalcitonin; ROC AUC, receiver operating characteristics area under the curve.

aUnits: CRP: mg/L; PCT: µg/L.