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. 2020 Aug 13;70:101717. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2020.101717

Table 2.

Effects of officers' job demands, control, support, and safety on work stress.

b (SE)
Intercept −0.01 (0.05)
 Job Demands
 Perceived adequate staff to maintain safety and security −0.09* (0.04)
 Perceived adequate time to meet job demands −0.07 (0.06)
 Perceived unreasonable workload 0.34** (0.06)
 Role problems 0.20** (0.03)
 Supervisor 0.03 (0.04)
 Job control
 Perceived order −0.09** (0.02)
 Autonomy −0.13** (0.02)
 Perceived cooperation from inmates −0.003 (0.02)
 Coworker support −0.08** (0.02)
 Supervisor support −0.06** (0.02)
 Family support −0.06** (0.02)
 Natural log inmates talked with per shift −0.02 (0.01)
 Assaulted 0.01 (0.04)
 Natural log times threatened by inmates 0.04* (0.02)
 Natural log times witnessed violence 0.04* (0.02)
 Perceived dangerousness 0.18** (0.02)
 Age −0.001 (0.001)
 Male −0.13** (0.03)
 White 0.02 (0.04)
Proportion variation within jails 0.89
Proportion variation within jails explained 0.49

Notes: **p < .01. *p < .05. Unstandardized coefficients reported with standard errors in parentheses. Italicized coefficients indicate relationship varies across jails (p < .05).